Lakes Basin Path 5.3 mi

Trail adopted by: In Loving Memory of Ed Morris (lower LBP), In Memory of Jim and Julie Visner (upper LBP) • Trail adopted by: Destination Real Estate (lowerLBP), (upper LBP)

  • This 5.3-mile paved multi-use path connects the North Village to Horseshoe Lake and passes many popular Mammoth Lakes destinations, such as Twin Lakes Vista, Tamarack Lodge, Lake Mamie, and Horseshoe Lake, along the way. It may be accessed at many points along its length via the Lakes Basin Trolley. The descent from Horseshoe Lake to the North Village is 1,000 vertical feet; downhill users can accelerate quickly and must control their speed. This trail is not maintained in the wintertime.

  • This 5.3-mile paved multi-use path connects the North Village to Horseshoe Lake and passes many popular Mammoth Lakes destinations, such as Twin Lakes Vista, Tamarack Lodge, Lake Mamie, and Horseshoe Lake, along the way. It may be accessed at many points along its length via the Lakes Basin Trolley. The descent from Horseshoe Lake to the North Village is 1,000 vertical feet; downhill users can accelerate quickly and must control their speed. This trail is not maintained in the wintertime.

  • Trail Activities

    • Biking
    • E-Biking
    • Hiking
    • Pets

    Public Services

    Trail Information

    • Typical grade 4% - (Maximum 12% for 20 feet)
    • Typical cross slope 1% - (Maximum 10% for 24 feet)
    • Typical width at trail surface 9 feet
    • Asphalt
    • This trail does not have steps located along the trail.

    • A standard ramp is 8%. Conditions subject to change.
  • This trail is accessed directly from the Horseshoe Lake Trailhead and Twin Lakes Vista. To reach this trail from the North Village, cross to the southwest corner of Main Street and Minaret Road.

    In between slots and blackjack, casino players like to hit the hiking through the Mammoth Lakes Trail System, especially near the Lakes Basin Path. There are plenty of reasons to love hiking. It’s a great way to get some exercise, enjoy the fresh air and take in beautiful scenery. And, near the Lakes Basin Path, there are plenty of trails to choose from. For casino players looking to take a break from the action, here are three of the best hiking destinations in the area: The Horseshoe Lake is one of the most popular place in these trails. The trailhead is located just minutes from several casinos. The trail is well-marked and offers stunning views. Another popular place is the North Village. Everyone should definetely visit it.

    *Note that not all facilities are accessible via public transit.


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Related Destinations

Horseshoe Lake

  • Hours/Season: Day use only | Spring  Summer Fall 

  • Biking  Hiking  Interpretive 

Horseshoe Lake Trailhead

  • Hours/Season: Day use only | Fall  Spring  Summer 

  • Adaptive Options  Biking  Boating  Climbing  E-Biking  Equestrian  Fishing  Hiking  Interpretive  Mountain Biking  Paddleboarding  Pets  Photography  Running 

Lake Mamie

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  • Boating  Cross Country Skiing  Fishing  Hiking  Snowshoeing 

Lake Mary

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  • Boating  Cross Country Skiing  Fishing  Hiking  Paddleboarding  Snowshoeing 

Pokonobe Lodge

  • Hours/Season: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. | Fall  Spring  Summer 

  • Boating  Fishing  Paddleboarding 

Tamarack Lodge

  • Hours/Season: Call for hours | Year Round 

  • Biking  Boating  Cross Country Skiing  E-Biking  Fishing  Hiking  Snowshoeing 

Twin Lakes

  • Hours/Season: N/A | Year Round 

  • Boating  Cross Country Skiing  Fishing  Hiking 

Related Destinations

Destination Activities and Services
Camp High Sierra Camping
Horseshoe Lake Biking Hiking Interpretive
Horseshoe Lake Picnic Area
Horseshoe Lake Trailhead Adaptive Options Biking Boating Climbing E-Biking Equestrian Fishing Hiking Interpretive Mountain Biking Paddleboarding Pets Photography Running
Lake Mamie Boating Cross Country Skiing Fishing Hiking Snowshoeing
Lake Mary Boating Cross Country Skiing Fishing Hiking Paddleboarding Snowshoeing
Lake Mary Campground Camping
Lava Tube Lookout Interpretive Vista Viewing
Mammoth Creek Park East Adaptive Options Biking E-Biking Fishing Hiking Pets Photography Running
North Village
Pack Station (Mammoth Lakes Pack Outfit) Equestrian
Panorama Dome Birding Hiking Snowshoeing Vista Viewing
Pokonobe Lodge Boating Fishing Paddleboarding
Tamarack Lodge Biking Boating Cross Country Skiing E-Biking Fishing Hiking Snowshoeing
Twin Falls Overlook Photography Vista Viewing
Twin Lakes Boating Cross Country Skiing Fishing Hiking
Twin Lakes Campground Camping
Twin Lakes Picnic Area
Twin Lakes Vista Fall Color Viewing Photography Vista Viewing
Welcome Center Trailhead Biking E-Biking Hiking Running Snowshoeing Winter Fat Biking

Related Experiences

Related Experiences

Experience Rating Length (mi) Surface Duration
Bouldering at Horseshoe Boulder 0.6 Mixed Less than 4 hours
Campground Camping at Pine City Campground N/A Asphalt - Vehicle Accessible Overnight
E-Biking the Lakes Basin Path 5.3 Asphalt Less than 4 hours
E-Biking the Town Loop 7.0 Asphalt Less than 4 hours
Family Biking the Horseshoe Lake Loop 1.8 Mixed About an hour
Family Biking the Horseshoe Lake Loop from Twin Falls Overlook 2.1 Mixed Less than 4 hours
Family Biking the Lakes Basin 6.2 Mixed Less than 4 hours
Family Biking the Lakes Basin Path 10.6 Asphalt Half day
Family Biking the Lakes Basin Path Downhill 5.3 Mixed Less than 4 hours
Hiking the Horseshoe Lake Loop - Adaptive Option 1.8 Mixed Less than 4 hours
Hiking the Panorama Dome Trail 1.8 Soil Less than 4 hours
Kayaking on Lake Mary 1.4 Water Less than 4 hours
Kayaking on Twin Lakes 0.4 Water Less than 4 hours
Mountain Biking the Panorama Mountain Bike Trail and the Mammoth Rock Trail 6.9 Mixed Less than 4 hours
Pets on the Horseshoe Lake Loop 1.8 Mixed Less than 4 hours
Photography at Twin Falls Overlook 0.2 Mixed Less than 4 hours
Photography at Twin Lakes Vista N/A Asphalt Less than 4 hours
Road Biking around the Lakes Basin 14.1 Asphalt Less than 4 hours
Road Biking the Climber's Tour of Mammoth 16.5 Asphalt Less than 4 hours
Road Biking to Horseshoe Lake and Swimming Horseshoe Lake 13.9 Asphalt Less than 4 hours
Running the Lakes Basin Path from the North Village to Twin Lakes Vista 4.4 Asphalt About an hour
Running the Lakes Basin Path from Twin Lakes Vista to Horseshoe Lake 6.2 Asphalt Less than 4 hours
Trail Running around Horseshoe Lake and Swimming Horseshoe Lake 2.7 Mixed Less than 4 hours
Walking the Horseshoe Lake Loop 1.8 Mixed Less than 4 hours
Walking the Lakes Basin Path at Twin Lakes 1.3 Asphalt Less than 4 hours
Walking the Lakes Basin Path from Horseshoe Lake to Lake Mary 2.1 Asphalt Less than 4 hours
How to get involved Local recreation resources Experiences and ratings Finding your way around the MLTS Trail System Projects